23 Features of Etherscan: Unveiling Ethereum’s Power Tools

In this article, you will discover the features that have made Etherscan an indispensable tool for crypto enthusiasts. Here are 5 of them:

1) Explorer-as-a-Service (EaaS)

Etherscan leaped forward by contributing to the block exploration for Layer 2 and Layer 1 chains through their EaaS product. In 2023 alone, they rolled out seven new explorers, providing users with comprehensive insights into various blockchain networks.

2) Advanced Filter Functionality

This platform now has an advanced filter that empowers users to sift through a staggering 2 billion Ethereum transactions. This enhancement simplifies the process of searching and analyzing transactions, offering users important control and efficiency.

3) Code Reader Powered by ChatGPT

This platform introduced a ChatGPT-powered code reader. This tool helps users understand the details of smart contract source code, offering clear insights in a time of rising blockchain development and complexity.

4) Multichain Portfolio View

Etherscan introduced a new feature allowing users to view the total multichain balance of any address on their platform. This gives users a complete view of their crypto holdings.

5) Multichain Charts

Blockscan, a subsidiary of Etherscan, introduced Multichain Charts, enabling users to compare essential metrics across multiple chains within a single chart. This feature facilitates a comprehensive analysis of daily transactions, active addresses, among others.

These five features merely scratch the surface of Etherscan’s comprehensive toolkit. Beyond these highlights, etherscan’s tools cover everything from tracking addresses to verifying contracts. You can see the other features in this

Etherscan, with 23 features, is a valuable tool for anyone exploring decentralized finance, and smart contracts.


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