2023 Crypto targets - Plan A, Plan B, Plan C and even Plan D - November week 3

I am getting there. I was starting in January 2023 with the following portfolio:

6K Hive - Objective achieved for this one

25.6K LEO - Objective achieved for this one

4K DHEDGE - Objective achieved for this one


300 INDEX - Objective achieved for this one

20 BXT - Objective achieved for this one

24 LGN - Objective achieved for this one

zero EDS - Objective achieved for this one

70K SPS - Objective achieved for this one

2.5K GLX - Objective achieved for this one

So, what is the plan? Basically, I divided the numbers into 3, pardon 4 lists, 3 related to Hive, and one for the rest of the crypto-market.

Primary objectives: all the primary objectives were achieved!

++Objective achieved: Hive - 2k on my second account - staking account (2130 now) - 11/12 Power Up badges achieved.++

++Objective achieved: Hive - 10K+ on the curation account (49030 now) and the Dolphin level. Shall I try for Orca?++

++Objective achieved: LEO - 30K achieved on 1st of April and 9/12 LPUD badges, with 165 LEO powered up on the last LPUD.++

Secondary objectives:

  • ARCHON/ARCHONM - 2% of the total number (from 1.67% now) and raising my rank from 13 to 10 (ranked 11 now).

++Objective achieved: EDS/EDSMM - I reached the 100 I wanted for this year. I decided earlier this year to delegate 30K Hive to ++++@eds-vote++++, as I like their project.++

++Objective achieved: INDEX - I reached the 500 I wanted for this year.++

++Objective achieved: DHEDGE- I reached the 5000 I wanted for this year.++

++Objective achieved: LGN - I reached the 100 I wanted for this year.++

Tertiary objectives:

  • BROFI - 100 (from 66 now)

++Objective achieved: ALIVE/ALIVEM - I got my 1000+ to be able to use the !ALIVE comand (1941 for now), 1111 delegated to ++++@aliveandthriving++++ and 2222 delegated to ++++@heartbeatonhive++++ for now. ++

++Objective achieved: BXT - I reached the 100 I wanted for this year.++

Blockchain games, here I go big or go home:

  • Max level for all Riftwatchers Cards - 30 left (13 card maxxed up)
  • Save 5.000.000 DEC to stake with cards on 78 lands - 1060K/5000K for now.

++Objective achieved: Buy 500+50 bonus Rebellion packs before the Winter quest expires++

++Objective achieved: Buy 100 Chaos Legion packs before the Winter quest expires++

++Objective achieved: Max level for all Chaos Legion Core Cards++

++Objective achieved: 200 Lands left to survey: Done++

++Objective achieved: SPS - I reached the 100.000 I wanted for this year.++

++Objective achieved: GLX - I reached the 100.000 I wanted for this year.++

And outside Hive blockchain, some not so extensive list of crypto to add to my portfolio, as I started with this one, and then fully focus on Hive:

  • GMX (AVAX) - Decided to not get BNB and NEAR anymore, opting in for 2 GMX and 500 GLP on AVAX (I already got the 2 GMX and 350 GLP).

++Objective achieved for June: 10 FIL, 20 RENDER, 10 AR bought++

++Objective achieved: 1.8 EGLD - 1.89 bought++

++Objective achieved: 3000 USDC on ++++Across ++++protocol bridge++

++Objective achieved: 10 DOT - 10 bought++

++Objective achieved: 695 ZIL - 705 bought++

++Objective achieved: 69 XTZ - 76 bought++

++Objective achieved: 70 ADA - 70 bought++

++Objective achieved: 8500 REEF - 8500 bought++

++Objective achieved: 1.8 KSM - 1.86 KSM bought++

This is the initial plan, for the whole year. I got all my primary objectives achieved already, in October - 2000 Hive staked on my poetry account, but I will still like 1000 HBD staked for rewards, probably ready this month, if I am lucky. After that we will focus a bit more on the rest of the RW cards on Splinterlands. While I am counting this year objectives, 24 down, 5 to go. Beautiful list, isn't it? I could choose smaller achievable targets, but where is the challenge in doing it? The objectives difficulty is increasing now, as I started with the easiest ones. But hey, Land feature is coming on in November on Splinterlands, and it may lead to a bigger profit long-term. I sold all the common natural lands, and kept the rare, epic and legendary ones, and also to keep all magic, occupied and mythic lands too. There are 78 lands to fill and get ready, which means I need DEC and 390 maxed up cards. For now I have 1060K K DEC and 130 cards, so I will still need some cards and DEC. Quite troublesome!

See you all next time,