A detailed description and exchange rate of Bitcoin Irene Energy (TLU)

 Irene Energy (TLU)

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Based in France, Irene Energy is a green energy platform. It acts as an intermediary between users who seek a greener electricity supplier and the companies that are interested in supply it. Through Artificial Intelligence, Irene Energy ensures that customers electricity bills renew every 15 min and are traceable in order to check the company green investments. At the same time, companies investing in green electricity solutions are able to get that positive association in the marketplace.

The TLU token is a Stellar-based cryptocurrency. It was created and developed by Irene Energy to be the internal medium for transactions and payments. Users electricity bills are generated using the TLU tokens. Additionally, to acquire TLU users must go through a KYC test not only when the ICO but also after it.

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