A detailed description and exchange rate of Bitcoin FarmaTrust (FTT)

 FarmaTrust (FTT)  ETH Token  GB  Healthcare 

Blockchain:  using algorithm ETH Token

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Curculation 0.0 из 1000000000.0 FarmaTrust

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FarmaTrust is a future-proof blockchain and AI based provenance system for the pharmaceutical and healthcare sector. FarmaTrust’s digital services create efficiencies and transparency for the supply chain, eases the burden of the compliance requirements, reduces costs and eliminates counterfeit or substandard drugs. The system creates immutable and incorruptible records to ensure data integrity as well as using “smart contracts” to automate processes leading to significant cost savings for its customers. 
The security of the FarmaTrust system means greater levels of confidentiality and security which reduces the overhead of achieving regulatory compliance.
FarmaTrust provides data and AI services, to assist its customers by providing greater insights, forecasting and planning capabilities.
FarmaTrust’s products work in three vertical markets, Pharmaceutical Tracking and Data services, Cell and Gene Therapy (or Personalised Medicine), and Clinical Trials services.

Top exchanges by trading volume FarmaTrust

Rating FarmaTrust

Rank by rate  CoinMarketCap:

Rank by rate  CoinGecko: 1878.

Evaluation of communication (points): 27.052

Common Assessment Points: 0.001

Evaluation of the design (points): 27.941

Assessment of the liquidity (points): 0

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Useful links and additional information

Courses, exchanges, trade FarmaTrust

Blockchain, hashrate, mining FarmaTrust

Events FarmaTrust

Official website FarmaTrust: https://www.farmatrust.com/ 

Block explorers FARMATRUST: etherscan.io  ethplorer.io  etherscan.io 

Announcements FARMATRUST: medium.com 


Twitter farmatrust  

Facebook: farmatrustchain  

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FarmaTrust/  

BitcoinTalk: 2496382  

Telegram: farmatrust  


GitHub: https://github.com/FarmaTrust/crowdfund

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