A detailed description and exchange rate of Bitcoin Cryptoindex (CIX100)

 Cryptoindex (CIX100)  ETH Token  MT  Number, Artificial Intelligence, Ethereum Ecosystem 

Blockchain:  using algorithm ETH Token

Read more about the blockchain, hashrate, mining CIX100

Curculation 0.0 из 300000000.0 CIX100

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Cryptoindex is a listing platform with the top 100 performing coins that were selected by Cryptoindex neural network algorithm Zorex. The Cryptoindex platform provides real-time data from multiple exchanges, access to online data streaming services via API, historical data and statistical datasets, predictions, analytics, market overview & forecasts, current index structure, recently added tokens and digital assets rating system & reports.

The CIX100 token is an Ethereum-based ERC20 service token used as a mean of payment to acquire products and services within the Cryptoindex ecosystem.

Top exchanges by trading volume CIX100

Rating Cryptoindex

Rank by rate  CoinMarketCap:

Rank by rate  CoinGecko: 3328.

Evaluation of communication (points): 33.251

Common Assessment Points: 0

Evaluation of the design (points): 0

Assessment of the liquidity (points): 20.344

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Useful links and additional information

Courses, exchanges, trade CIX100

Blockchain, hashrate, mining CIX100

Events CIX100

Official website CIX100: https://cryptoindex.com/ 

Block explorers CRYPTOINDEX-IO: etherscan.io  ethplorer.io 

Announcements CRYPTOINDEX-IO: medium.com 


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GitHub: https://github.com/phenom-company/smartcontract-cryptoindex

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