A detailed description and exchange rate of Bitcoin Bodhi (BOT)

 Bodhi (BOT)

Curculation 40000000.0 из 100000000.0 BOT

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Bodhi is a QTUM-based predictive market platform. The platform will leverage the advantages of the state-of-the-art decentralized prediction markets by integrating third-party Oracles and decentralized voting via its Oracle abstraction layer. Within the platform token holders will be allowed to create and vote on prediction events, in case the vote is consistent with the predicted value generated by Oracle the token holders will be reward with BOT tokens in exchange.

Top exchanges by trading volume BOT

Rating Bodhi

Rank by rate  CoinMarketCap: 1478

Rank by rate  CoinGecko: 710.

Evaluation of communication (points): 6.862

Common Assessment Points: 0

Evaluation of the design (points): 51.791

Assessment of the liquidity (points): 0

Similar on Bodhi cryptocurrencies

Useful links and additional information

Courses, exchanges, trade BOT

Blockchain, hashrate, mining BOT

Events BOT

Official website BOT: http://www.bodhi.network/  https://cn.bodhi.network/ 

Block explorers BODHI: explorer.qtum.org  qtumexplorer.io 

Chats BODHI: t.me 


Twitter bodhitoken  

Telegram: bodhifoundation  


GitHub: https://github.com/bodhiproject/bodhi-server

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