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 Ampleforth (AMPL)  ETH Token  US 

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Curculation 4743205.233453961 из 51321143.0 AMPL

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Ampleforth is a digital-asset-protocol for smart commodity-moneyThe Ampleforth protocol receives exchange-rate information from trusted oracles and propagates that to holders of its units (Amples) by proportionally increasing or decreasing the number of tokens each individual holds.

For traders, these changes in exchange-rate and quantity translate into changes in Ample’s market capitalization. Traders with short time horizons, especially those using automated or algorithmic approaches, will thus have to devise new strategies to trade Amples.

Ultimately, unique trader behavior in response to the protocol’s incentives is expected to produce a step-function-like movement pattern with lower correlation to Bitcoin than existing digital assets. This makes Amples uniquely suited for the following near, medium, and long term uses.

Top exchanges by trading volume AMPL

Rating Ampleforth

Rank by rate  CoinMarketCap: 317

Rank by rate  CoinGecko: 1352.

Evaluation of communication (points): 12.816

Common Assessment Points: 34.059

Evaluation of the design (points): 54.474

Assessment of the liquidity (points): 1

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Useful links and additional information

Courses, exchanges, trade AMPL

Blockchain, hashrate, mining AMPL

Events AMPL

Official website AMPL: https://www.ampleforth.org/ 

Block explorers FRAGMENTS: etherscan.io 


Twitter ampleforthorg  

Facebook: ampleforthprotocol  

Telegram: Ampleforth  


GitHub: https://github.com/ampleforth/market-oracle,  https://github.com/ampleforth/uFragments

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