The Splintershards ($SPS tokens) changed

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The Splintershards ($SPS tokens) changed Splinterlands dynamics into something bigger and better. The cryptocurrency governance token was integrated to provide increasing levels of decision-making ability and control over the product to the player-base, asset ownership, and the stakeholders.

Splinterlands tokens have governance purpose through the in-game governance voting system, as players holding staked SPS tokens are able to vote for or against different proposed changes to the game and ecosystem. Each staked $SPS is worth one vote, so a player will be able to influence the results of the votes based on the amount of SPS tokens staked.

Four hundred millions from the total token supply, approximately 13.33%, were airdropped to players based upon the amount and type of Splinterlands assets in their account. I received my fair share during the distribution period, and I was looking forward for votes and snapshots.

The first proposal was to adjust rewards based on the card levels, where I voted "for" as this was in the benefit of the game. The proposal got twice the amount of votes required to pass, and 85% of the voters approved the change.

The second proposal I voted was the Riftwatchers packs dilemma, and to pay the price in DEC or not. My personal opinion was that this change will be good but it looks that this proposal split the room. 

Should the DEC LP rewards be replaced by SPS? Yes, this will make the Splinterlands DAO even more powerful. Voted for this one and noticed that the majority was against changing the Riftwatchers price in DEC.

The last proposal I voted was about daily burns of unsold Chaos Legion packs. Why not? This change will make the value of cards grow, and will make the game dynamics more efficient. Another successful proposal, as 73% of the voters approved the change.

You know what doesn't need a vote? Choosing the Ever-Hungry Skull when the Equalizer battle-set comes into play. It's even better when the mana-cap is low, as it makes the battle more intense. I went for the Skull as the main tank, backed by Uraeus and the Undead Badger.

My opponent wanted to fight-back with the Cursed Windeku and roots damage but the move went against him/her as it boosted my Skull to nine health points, 

It went head-to-head until the end of round three, until the balance was broken. It took a while but Uraeus managed to land a killing blow on the Death Elemental. Weird stuff... can a Death Elemental die?

From there was a walk in the park, and the Ever-Hungry Skull done all the heavy lifting. It sadly failed to digest all those roots and thrones, but the Undead Badger finished the job. Is it humiliating to lose against road-kill?

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