Splinterlands - Battle Mage Secrets: Up Close

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Good morning everyone, welcome back to my SPLINTERLANDS blog, the weekend is already half done, for me at least, it's Sunday early morning here and I've never made a post this late in the week but I had real life commitments yesterday and I can't rush a nice looking post ??...

I did some ranked battles first because my energy was almost back at 50, I try not to let it recharge past 49 to get full rewards but sometimes, life gets in the way of course. Yesterday I switched from Wild, where I can farm more chests but a lot less SPS because of a higher win rate to Modern, in wild at 2000+ rating I face a lot of strong human players so I decided it was time, I was still around 1200 rating in Modern and generally in the last week of the season, life gets a little easier, and I was able to climb in the 1600's with a 52.77% win rate for now.

This includes some losses when I tried out Modern earlier in the season, at least I'm able to earn some more SPS! I see a nice future for SPS, looking at the chart it looks like a dead token for sure, but we Splinterlands players know there are other important factors that are finally in place now, or will be soon ??. In total I'm closing in to 25k SPS!

Well let's get to the main subject for today: the Battle Mage Secrets challenge, this weeks it requires us to write about the Up Close & Personal ruleset, that allows melee units only, so thorns and shield are really important, as well as some other abilities like sneak, opportunity, reach, demoralize and inspire.... but there's also a very important stat that people forget sometimes, and in todays battle, I'm going to show you the importance of this, because when I saw the enemy line-up, I didn't think I was going to win the fight to be honest!

To find out how you can participate in the challenge yourself, you can read the Splinterlands post here.

As a Splinterlands player you should be blogging, if not, you're really missing out in my opinion, it can fund your account! I know it's not easy to start, and when you put a lot of effort in a post and you don't get upvoted that sucks, just keep trying, I did too!

I made a tutorial post about this earlier, my friend @sifounas43 is now trying to start this, keep it up!

While most of my shared battles in my blogs are high mana exciting battles with big monsters, I chose a low mana battle this time, a 20 mana Wild League Are you not entertained? / Up Close & Personal battle with only Life, Death and Dragon available. In low mana, Lorna Shine really shines, but I decided to make a different team this time and it paid out, I didn't had a nice low mana melee gladiator to use so I ignored the first ruleset, because most of the times choosing one big monster and face another team of small monsters is a bad choice. What to expect? well really all three splinters have nice options, two nice tanks with thorns to choose, or a Lorna Shine team with small sneakers and opportunity.

Nice! a lvl 4 Lorna, I only own a lvl 3... I thought I would be in trouble for sure! the Divine Shield combined with a full team of small monsters in really annoying to get trough while your own team is getting killed...

  • : Quix the Devious - reason: Access to the Dragon team, speed management.
  • First position: Djinn Chwala - reason: Superb tank,high HP and armor, good damage, thorns.
  • Second position: Whelp Herder - reason: Low mana good damage opportunity, pretty slow though.
  • Third position: Silent Sha-Vi - reason: The best Chaos Legion sneaker I think, fast, good damage.
  • Fourth position: Corpse Fiend - reason: Just a meat shield to protect against Opportunity and Sneak.

 Of course my Fiend got killed, sorry fiend, your whole purpose is to die really... Silent Sha-Vi dodged the first attack on him! I need to get trough this pesky Divine Shields first...

 Ooh nice! two more misses on Silent Sha-Vi! slowly, I'm getting some damage in on the other team, nothing critical yet, it could still go either way but these misses are very nice.

 This is starting to look better, the other tank died, as well as Uraeus, Silent Sha-Vi dodged it's fourth attack in a row!! Speed is sooooo important ??

 Sha-Vi isn't getting attacked directly anymore as the last sneaker moved to the first position but it's now receiving thorns damage, good thing it's doing more damage than it is receiving, but still, this will be pretty close.

 I'll be okay, Sha-vi will kill the Jaguar and die because of the thorns, so I will have two monsters remaining.

Nice SPS rewards considering it's Wild League!

You can watch the battle unfold for yourself here.

That's the end for this week, only small actifit posts to be made until next Thursday when the new challenge starts.

One more tip for Splinterlands players, start using actifit if you're not doing this already, I make $5-10 every month with just my daily activity while the app records my movements and steps, read more about it in my post here.

Thank you for reading!!!

If you haven't made an account already, please consider using my referral link to sign up, I'll happily send the amount I get for your signup back to you in DEC or SPS to help you start.

Have a great day!

Sources: For my thumbnail I used a background from @golemoverlord, when you're not playing this game as a splinterlands player, you're missing out!

I made a post with more info about Golem Overlord here.

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